
5ª Assemblea Generale di SMALLDERS

SMALLDERS Project held its 5th General Assembly (GA) meeting, on 18th September 2024 in a hybrid mode (face to face and online participation) in Tenerife, Spain at 4pm 5.30pm. The 5 th GA meeting involved principal investigators and researchers of all Pa rtners (University of Calabria, Italy; University of Parma, Italy; IMT Mines Ales, France;

5ª Assemblea Generale di SMALLDERS Leggi tutto »

Innovative Agricultural Technologies for Smallholders: Unlocking Productivity and Sustainability

innovative agricultural technologies for smallholders

Smallholder farmers, who manage over 80% of the world’s agricultural land, face numerous challenges in maintaining their livelihoods and contributing to global food security. Innovative agricultural technologies can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges, enhancing productivity, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. This article explores the latest developments in agricultural technologies that can benefit

innovative agricultural technologies for smallholders Leggi tutto »

3ª Riunione dell'Assemblea Generale di SMALLDERS ad Atene (Grecia), 19 settembre 2023

SMALLDERS Project held its 3rd General Assembly (GA) meeting, on 19 September 2023 in a hybrid mode (face-to-face and online participation) in Athens-Greece. The 2nd – GA meeting involved principal investigators and researchers of all Partners (University of Calabria, Italy; University of Parma, Italy; IMT Mines Ales, France; University of Extremadura, Spain; University of Tunis

3ª Riunione dell'Assemblea Generale di SMALLDERS ad Atene (Grecia), 19 settembre 2023 Leggi tutto »

1° SMALLDERS Workshop Tecnico (Tunisia)

The Technical workshop on « Agri-Food Supply Chain in the Tunisian Context: Challenges and Solution » took place in Tunisia on May 03, 2023. Previous Next It was coordinated by the research unit « Application of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies (APER)», Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (FST), University of Tunis El Manar. The

1° SMALLDERS Workshop Tecnico (Tunisia) Leggi tutto »

Invito al 1°-Workshop Tecnico SMALLDERS (Tunisia)

The FST SMALLDERS team (UR LAPER, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar), invites you to a Technical Workshop on “Agri-Food Supply Chain in the Tunisian Context: Challenges and Solution”. Many problems and multiple solutions will be presented and discussed with different actors in the agri-food supply chain, stakeholders

Invito al 1°-Workshop Tecnico SMALLDERS (Tunisia) Leggi tutto »

Sessione speciale SMALLDERS alla Conferenza ISM

The 4th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM) has been held in 2-4 November 2022 in Linz, Austria. Many researchers and professionals involved in additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, analytics and big data, Blockchain, digital twins and also economics-business models coming from all over the world have attended this conference. In this special session, presentations from the

Sessione speciale SMALLDERS alla Conferenza ISM Leggi tutto »
