The 4th General Assembly (GA) meeting of the SMALLDERS Project took place online on April 29, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM CET. This meeting brought together principal investigators and researchers from all partnering institutions, including the University of Calabria (Italy), the University of Parma (Italy), IMT Mines Alès (France), the University of
Extremadura (Spain), and the University of Tunis El Manar (Tunisia). 15 participants attended this highly engaging meeting, including different project team members. Each team made presentations to explain their work progress. Then, a discussion was held to present future activities, future deliverables, testbed progress and action points. Project members discussed the various challenges associated with future activities and proposed potential solutions to address them, particularly by involving stakeholders from each testbed country, such a s smallholders, key stakeholders, freight transport companies, and policymakers.