SMALLDERS Newsletter-Edition 4
La SMALLDERS Newsletter - Edición 4 trata sobre las últimas actividades de los socios de SMALLDERS. Haz clic aquí para descargarla.
SMALLDERS Newsletter-Edition 4 Leer más »
La SMALLDERS Newsletter - Edición 4 trata sobre las últimas actividades de los socios de SMALLDERS. Haz clic aquí para descargarla.
SMALLDERS Newsletter-Edition 4 Leer más »
On September 18 19, 2024, the partners of the SMALLDERS project participated in the I3M conference in Tenerife, Spain. The SMALLDERS team has organized three sessions during the e vent: one dedicated to FOODOPS and a final session highlighting PRIMA projects. FOODOPS special session The session began with a comprehensive presentation of the SMALLDERS project
The 4th General Assembly (GA) meeting of the SMALLDERS Project took place online on April 29, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM CET. This meeting brought together principal investigators and researchers from all partnering institutions, including the University of Calabria (Italy), the University of Parma (Italy), IMT Mines Alès (France), the University ofExtremadura (Spain),
4ª Asamblea General de SMALLDERS Leer más »
SMALLDERS Project held its 5th General Assembly (GA) meeting, on 18th September 2024 in a hybrid mode (face to face and online participation) in Tenerife, Spain at 4pm 5.30pm. The 5 th GA meeting involved principal investigators and researchers of all Pa rtners (University of Calabria, Italy; University of Parma, Italy; IMT Mines Ales, France;
5ª Asamblea General de SMALLDERS Leer más »
La tercera edición del boletín de SMALLDERS presenta las últimas actividades de sus socios. 📩 Haz clic aquí para descargarlo.
Boletín SMALLDERS - Edición 3 Leer más »